New Year Resolutions: The Buddy System that Works for You

At the beginning of a new year, we promise that we will accomplish certain things for the coming year. Our resolutions may be to lose weight, stop smoking, reduce drinking, exercise more – ways we want to take care of ourselves and improve our health.

Resolutions often fade as the weeks go on and we get busy with everyday activities.

Allow me to put a different twist on this: consider me as your resolution buddy for your financial health. 

Add contacting my agency as a real resource to help you with some solid planning in critical areas of your life. While it seems different types of insurance coverage do not connect with each other, I can assure you they do. All of them are there to do the best for you.

For many situations, I will work with your attorney, tax advisor and other professionals, including your doctors, with your permission, to take care of your specific needs, not only for 2025, but for the years after that as well!

Let’s break down a few key aspects of needed coverage and how they can complement each other when needed:

  • Life Insurance: Do you have a will or trust? Is it up to date? Have you put thought how your life insurance can “bullet proof” your finances?

  • Disability insurance: It is amazing most people don’t adequately protect or have little protection for  their number 1 asset- their income! A well designed plan, tax free, will protect your income and business assets while shielding you from the real potential of bankruptcy. And your coverage can be an  asset too!

  • Major Medical and Long-Term Care insurance: Review with your medical care providers what they will and won’t cover in case of a major illness or injury.  PPO, POS, HMO or boutique coverage is substantially different. Education is super important.  And long term care coverage is not only often misunderstood but lightly purchased, which will protect your home, business and income. 

  • Auto and Homeowners Insurance: This coverage not only protects your properties, but provides much needed liability protection for an unexpected claim. They also protect your current and future income!

  • Finally, Business Insurance: Coverage for your property, employees and liability will provide needed protection to avoid a laser beam attack not only to your business, but your personal assets as well. 

Please read the testimonials on our agency website by some of my long-standing clients about my overall approach and service. We will help you to provide for yourself, your families and friends. 

If you are resolved to take better care of yourself in 2025, let us be a valuable asset for this year and those to come to meet your needs. You don't need willpower to get this done — it starts with a phone call or email. 


Know Your Insurance–and Make It Your Own!


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