Using Life Insurance to Meet Your Financial Goals

Life insurance plans have evolved over the years. While today's choices may seem complicated, insurance can still be a simple, marvelous, straightforward financial tool. Here's how you can get the most out of it–more than low premiums or stable interest rates.

Focus on what you can expect from your insurance planning to help fulfill your financial goals.  Set aside for the moment any immediate concerns about the cost and the amount of coverage. Understanding your goals and expectations first will help inform your decisions about what makes the most financial sense for you overall.

Expectations are based on

  • Your current health and the needs of your immediate family

  • Your income, its stability and, if your planning includes a significant other, their income and stability 

  • Your current assets and liabilities

  • Your responsibilities to your family, such as childcare, special needs caregiving, education, etc. 

If you expect that you will never get sick, never lose your income or your career, and never experience an accident and that you will be able to accumulate great security for your future retirement and live comfortably with no restrictions in your home for the rest of your life, then maybe life insurance is not for you. We all would love such a charmed life!

But if you know that everything today is expensive, and that the unexpected happens in life, you will want to focus on one or two important challenges to protect, and then go for it.

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, and a great time to discuss your options, whether you are looking to purchase life insurance for the first time or to review your coverage.

At our agency, we know there are so many products and services in the life insurance arena that your choices can be dizzying. Let us simplify these for you. You can then expect that life insurance will be a simple and marvelous financial tool that will benefit you and your family in many ways.

Contact us today to discuss how to make this important financial tool work for you!


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