Resolution To A Resolution—Insurance Planning!

We all make New Year Resolutions—some we can keep, and some just on our personal “wish lists!”

So, if you want to add me as part of your doable Wish list for New Year resolutions, my name is easy to remember!

I want to come out and see YOU!

COVID has done a number on us all. In my entire career, there has been nothing like it. For better or worse, our personal interaction has suffered.

Telephone, email, texts, and letters all have their place, but there is nothing like having me make a personal visit to your business, your association, your club or even your home to share some common sense insurance planning with you—with zero pressure—and unbiased information.

I want to talk with your business partners, your colleagues, your family – anyone who you share a common interest with – so everyone can look me straight in the eye, know who I am, and feel comfortable receiving no-nonsense answers and approaches to your situation.

We all need insurance protection, and we know that with buying cars and homes, we are required to get coverage. But what about guaranteeing your family and business security? This is where there is nothing like talking with a professional who will listen to your concerns and ask about your needs. Someone you can call directly, and who will tailor planning to your individual situation.

I am involved deeply within my community in many ways. I’ve coached baseball for years, and am active in the Rotary. These activities give me a deeper sense of the importance of connecting with people and of understanding who they are and what they need.

Let me share my knowledge and experience with you to help you decide on an approach that is right for you. Call me to arrange a time! 508.580.9950.

Happy New Year!

Michael Wish


Insurance 101: Cost-Free And Obligation-Free!


Happy Thanksgiving!